Volunteer Directly
This volunteer group primarily consists of social workers and will make up our core of:

  • Administrators

  • Project Developers

  • Partnership Developers

  • Gender & Human Rights Activists

  • Community Workers

  • Other field and office volunteer positions

Volunteer Indirectly
This volunteer group primarily consists of Construction Services and Road works:

  • Builders

  • Engineers

  • Other workers

You can also contact our local and international partners about your interest in volunteering in our program:

  • Ousman Kamara (Missionary) - kamaraosman@comcast.net 
  • Joseph Anthony Opala              - josephopala@gmail.com 
  • Sarah Wilkinson                        - peacepalsarah@gmail.com 
  • Joseph Ngoniyela Kobba         - real_aid_sierra_leone@yahoo.com 

As you care to cooperate with us on this urgent matter, please reach us at the contacts above. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you in advance and God bless

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete our Volunteer Form.  Kindly indicate what type of volunteering you are interested in helping us with, your available times, and any other details about yourself that you would like to share that you think is important to us.


As we continue to strive for way to improve our community and the lives of our people, we encourage you to give of your time towards our cause.

We call for volunteers to participate with Christian Outreach Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone (Comin-SL). You can choose to volunteer directly or indirectly.

Christian Outreach Justice Mission - Sierra Leone © Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved

 Our current most pressing need is: MEDICAL SUPPLIES